We’ve all heard the saying right? “If you love something or someone then let it go and if it/they come back to you then it was mean to be.” I had an interesting conversation with a friend about this lately and quite honestly I’m not too sure I agree with that saying. First of all, if you love something or someone that much then why would you ever want to let it (or them?) go? That just seems a bit silly in my opinion. Life is short and you only live once so why bother playing these games with yourself? It’s not everyday that you find something or someone that you truly love so when you do, you better make sure to hang on to it tightly with both hands (and feet). Some people go through their entire life without finding someone or something that they love.
What if you do let something or someone go and they never return? Does that really mean it was never meant to be? Absolutely not, maybe it was meant to be but your silly self let it go and ended it. Of course there is no right or wrong answer, it’s more of a question on how you live your life so I’m curious to hear what you think.
In my opinion if you truly find something or someone that you love you should cherish it/them and hang on to it. You love things and people for a reason, they make you happy and in a sense give you a feeling of completion and that the world makes sense. Letting go of something or someone like that is silly.
The post If You Love Something or Someone do You Let it Go or Keep it? appeared first on Jacob Morgan.